A coset is what you get when you take every element of a subgroup and multiply it (from the left or right) by a fixed group element. It represents a kind of "shifted copy" of the subgroup within the larger group.
The direction you multiply from (left or right) can give different results if the group is not commutative.
TLDR: Key properties
- All cosets of a subgroup in a group have the same size as :
- Different cosets are either identical or disjoint (no partial overlap).
- The collection of all left cosets (or all right cosets) forms a partition of .
- The number of distinct cosets is called the index.
- Any element within a coset can serve as its representative:
Left and right cosets each form a partition of
(2) (two cosets either have nothing in common or are equal)Proof: ad (1): ad (2): , z.z: ⇒ ⇒ (some ) is an equivalence relation.
A representative of a coset is any element that generates that coset when multiplied with the subgroup . In other words, if , then is a representative of that coset since .
This means that any element within a coset can serve as its representative. When we write , we’re using as one possible representative, but we could have chosen any other element from that coset. This works because cosets partition the group into disjoint equivalence classes - all elements in the same coset generate identical cosets.
For the group with subgroup the cosets are:
where either 0 or 3 can represent this coset
where either 1 or 4 can represent this coset
where either 2 or 5 can represent this coset
For instance, if we take the coset , we can verify that using 4 as a representative gives us the same coset:
Lagrange's Theorem
If is a finite group and is a subgroup, then:
where (“G over U”) denotes the index of in – the number of distinct left/right cosets of in .
Lagrange’s theorem tells us that the size of any subgroup must divide the size of the group . This is because cosets partition the group into equal-sized pieces, each piece having the same size as the subgroup. The number of such pieces () multiplied by the size of each piece () must equal the total size of the group ().
(permutations of 3 elements)
(some subgroup of )
To find all left cosets, we multiply each element of on the left with :
Using :
Using :
Using :
Using :
Using :
Using :
Key observations:
We only got 3 distinct left cosets ():
Each coset has size 2 (same as )
The cosets partition :
Every element appears exactly once, the cosets don’t overlap, together they cover all of →