A root of unity is any complex number that, when raised to a positive integer power , equals .
is an root of unity if:
These roots are evenly spaced on the unit circle in the complex plane and can be represented as:
for . The angles between the consecutive roots are all equal, and their magnitudes are all equal to –they lie on the unit circle, hence roots of unity.
3b1b: generating functions shows an application of roots of unity.
For any root of unity , multiplying it by itself times gives us 1.
E.g. for the 5th roots of unity and their powers: (rotation by 72°):
(rotation by 144°):
(rotation by 216°):
(rotation by 288°):
(rotation by 360°):
Each root, when multiplied by itself repeatedly, traces out its own unique path through the fifth roots before arriving at 1 after exactly five multiplications.