
Let be groups. A function is an isomorphism if:

  1. is a homomorphism
  2. is bijective

If any such an isomorphism exists, we say and are isomorphic, written .

Difference to Homomorphisms

A homomorphism only requires structure preservation ().
An isomorphism additionally requires that is bijective, meaning:

  • Every element in is reached (surjectivity)
  • Different elements in map to different elements in (injectivity)

An isomorphism is a homomorphism that has an inverse homomorphism. Thus, isomorphic groups are structurally indistinguishable – they are essentially "the same group" written in different notation.

Properties of Isomorphic Groups

If , then:
and have the same order (cardinality).
Every structural property is shared: commutativity, cyclic nature, order of elements, …
The groups are identical up to renaming of elements.

as both are cyclic groups of order 4, although their elements and operations appear different.

For an isomorphism :

(equivalent to injectivity)
(equivalent to surjectivity)
exists and is also an isomorphism