Cyclic subgroup: For any element in a group , one can form the subgroup , which is called the cyclic subgroup generated by .

The order of is , the number of elements in .

If the order of element of is infinite, then the subgroup generated by is infinite as well, no cycle:

If the order of element of is finite, then the subgroup generated by is finite as well, forming a cycle:

As a congruence:

, for all

From lagrange’s theorem: , for
In words: the order of an element in a finite group divides the order of the group, and the element raised to the power of the group order is the neutral element (one full cycle).

A cyclic group is a group which is equal to one of its cyclic subgroups: for some element , called a generator.

The set of all powers of :

Let be a group and , then , is a cyclic subgroup of , generated by (“von erzeugte Untergruppe”).

, … is it actually a subgroup?
Note empty:
Closed: abelian group
Invertible: (because

The integers mod n are a cyclic group:

Example quotient group

Consider the integers under addition and the normal subgroup of multiples of .
The quotient group aka consists of the following cosets:

Note: This quotient group is isomorphic to the cyclic group of order , generated by the congruence class :

For instance, in : arithmetic in .

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as both are cyclic groups of order 4, although their elements and operations appear different.


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Group homomorphism between congruence classes and roots of unity

Consider the groups and where is a primitive root of unity (i.e. the first one that’s not just ).

Define the map:

To verify this is a homomorphism, we check if it preserves the group operation (addition in maps to multiplication in ):

This is a surjective homomorphism since it covers all of .
To find the kernel, we solve for all where:

The last step follows because exactly when is an integer.

Applying the First Isomorphism Theorem:

Both and are cyclic groups of order : In we add 1 repeatedly modulo , while in we multiply by repeatedly until returning to 1 after steps.

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