… rows
… columns

The main diagonal goes from top left to bottom right.

Matrix operations

Addition and subtraction

Let and be two 2x2 matrices:

Their elementwise addition / subtraction, denoted by , is given by:

Scalar multiplication

Let be a 2x2 matrix and be a scalar:

Scalar multiplication, denoted by , is given by:

Matrix multiplication

Let and be two 2x2 matrices:

Matrix multiplication, denoted by , is given by:

The entry comes from row of and column of (the dot product ).

Visually: Matrix Multiplication.html


Viewing it from a col / row perspectve

Multiplying a matrix with a vector, results in a new vector, which is a linear combination of the columns of that matrix:

We have

Multiplying a row with a matrix gives us a new row, which is a linear combinations of the rows of that matrix:

We have

Let’s multiply a row by a column:

We can see that the resulting rows are multiples of the rows of and the resulitng colums are multiples of the columns of .

If plotted, all the rows of would be on the same line, the one of the vector [1 6].
The row-space (all possible linear combinations of rows of that matrix) is a line. The same goes for the column-space. 1

Viewing it as: AB = sum of ((cols of A) x (rows of B))

Block matmul

We can also for example cut two 16x16 matrices both into 4x 4x4 matrices, multiply those individually and will still get the same result (example).

Which permutation matrix flips the rows of a matrix, such that ?
Well, we first want 0 of the first row, 1 of the second row. And then 1 of the first row and zero of the second row, so: . It is the opposite of the Identity matrix.

Which matrix flips the columns of the matrix, such that ?
Answer: None. If we multiply on the left of the matrix, we are always doing row operations. To switch the columns, then: .
To do col ops, the matrix multiplies on the right, to do row ops, the matrix multiplies on the left.

  1. Dimensions: Ensure has dimensions and has dimensions . The resulting matrix will have dimensions .
  2. Order matters: In general, . (Not commutative)
  3. Associative property: for any matrices , , and with compatible dimensions.
  4. Distributive property: and for matrices with compatible dimensions.


Division is not defined because matrix multiplication is not commutative and there is not always an inverse to a matrix.
So if the division two matrices and is defined as:

If is not defined, we have a problem.


Given a matrix , its transpose is obtained by flipping the matrix over its diagonal. This swaps the row and column indices of each element. If

The transpose operation has the following properties:

  1. The transpose of a transpose is the original matrix: .
  2. The transpose of a sum is the sum of the transposes: .
  3. The transpose of a product is the product of the transposes in reverse order: .
  4. The transpose of a scalar multiple is the scalar multiple of the transpose: .

Note: The diagonal of a matrix remains the same in the transpose.


Types of matrices

Row matrix

A matrix with only one row and any number of columns.

Column matrix

A matrix with only one column and any number of rows. Aka vector, aka column.

Zero matrix

A matrix in which all the elements are zero.

Square matrix

A matrix with an equal number of rows and columns.

diagonal matrix

A matrix with nonzero elements only on the main diagonal.

Identity matrix

A square matrix with 1s on the main diagonal and 0s elsewhere. Any matrix multiplied by its identity matrix results in the same matrix: $$
A = I_mA = AI_n
$$$\forall \space A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}I_mI_nAI \equiv E$ (for “Einheitsmatrix”).

Triangular matrix

An upper/lower triangular matrix is a square matrix, where all the elements below/above the main diagonal are zero, e.g.:


Gilbert Strang OCW lectures

Visual Kernel YT Channel with visualizations of different matrices, spectral decomposition, SVD, …


  1. See Linear dependance for an example.